While most newspapers and magazines do have websites where you can read full articles from their print editions, many of these websites limit how much content you can access for free.
For example, the New York Times does provide the articles found in their printed newspaper on their website. However, visitors to the website are limited to only a few articles that they can read for free each month. Signing in with a paid account unlocks unlimited content.
Similarly, Discover magazine, a great source for science news, has a website which makes most—but not all—of their articles freely available to the public. To see all published articles, the KUA Library has a subscription to the print edition of the magazine, and you can access all articles digitally through the library's online database (link below).
The KUA Library has many books related to issues in science. Search our online catalog for more, or ask the librarians for help. Here are a few examples:
For access to the databases from off campus, email the librarians for passwords.
In the KUA Library, we subscribe to dozens of magazines in print. The magazine shelving is located next to the main entrance of the library. They are arranged in alphabetical order by title, and the most recent issue of each magazine will be face-out on the shelves. In the photo below, the magazines relating to science and science current events are circled in purple.
Magazines should be kept in the library to allow everyone to have access to them.
Feel free to make photocopies of any article you might want to use for class! We are happy to help with the copy machine.
The Library's fee-based online databases are available seamlessly while connected to the KUA wifi network. For off-campus use, email the librarians for the passwords.