Terrestrial Biomes, Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems, and Estuaries Project
Your Task: Your task is to become experts on your biome, freshwater ecosystems, marine ecosystems, or estuaries and teach your classmates about it(them) using a PowerPoint presentation and other learning tools as you choose.
Your Research: You need to understand and teach the following about your biome/ecosystem(s) using a variety and diversity of sources:
- Distribution – where on Earth do you find it(them)? Be specific.
- Abiotic factors and limiting factors (the factors prevent many organisms from being able to survive there?) that define it(them).
- Major or representative flora (plants, fungi) and fauna (protists, animals) complete with adaptations (be specific about how the adaptations allow them to survive and reproduce) – minimum of 2 flora and 2 fauna.
- Human impacts – positive and negative – to it(them) and how humans can help preserve it(them) for the future.
Topics of Study (1 student each unless otherwise indicated):
- Desert
- Temperate Grassland
- Temperate Woodland and Shrubland
- Temperate Forest
- Northwest Coniferous Forest
- Boreal Forest or Taiga
- Tundra
- Tropical Dry Forest
- Tropical Rain Forest
- Tropical Grassland/Savannah/Shrubland
- Freshwater Ecosystems (Rivers, lakes and ponds, wetlands) (2)
- Marine Ecosystems/Oceans (2)
- Estuaries
Assessment: You will be assessed in the following categories for this project (see specific rubric for more details).
- The quality of your contributions to the efficient functioning of the group
- Your use of time in class to do the project.
- Meeting deadlines for the project
- Your PowerPoint Slides
- Your presentation
- Your teaching strategies and incorporated learning tools
- Your 1-page handout
- The use of several quality sources (videos, books, magazines, newspapers)
- MLA-formatted citations and proper use of in-text citations