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AP Art History: Renaissance Artist Research Project

Artists to Choose From

Filippo Brunelleschi (1377  1446)

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519)

Albrecht Durer (1471 – 1528)  
Michelangelo (1475  1564) Titian (ca. 1488/90 – 1576) Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca. 1525 – 1569)  


Assignment Description

Renaissance Artist Influence Research Paper or Video


Create an 8-12 page paper or 10-12 minute video researching and answering the following prompts:

Assignment Prompt:

Choose one Renaissance artist to research and answer Part One (85-90%)

Choose one Contemporary artist (from the 20 or so that we studied) to answer Part Two (10-15%)

Part One: What stylistic innovations, artistic inventions, or new sensibilities about art or subject matter did _______________________ (your artist) bring to the Renaissance? How do we see that in their major work(s)? How did their work greatly influence art that would follow, either later in the Renaissance or later in history? (85% -90% of the paper or video will be on this)

Part Two: Who was the MOST innovative and influential Contemporary artist of those we studied? How is that artist SIMILAR to your Renaissance artist? In what way(s) have they changed the art world and our world through their work?  Use their AP work to illustrate your answer. (15%-10% of the paper or video will be on this)

Renaissance Artists – Choose One:

  1. Filippo Brunelleschi: (architect) Pazzi Chapel, Il Duomo, father of perspective
  2. Leonardo da Vinci: painter, inventor, designer
  3. Michelangelo: sculptor, painter, architect
  4. Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Painter of the common man
  5. Titian: Master painter of Venice, first expressionist
  6. Albrecht Durer: German painter, master printer and student of the natural world

Contemporary Artists:

See contemporary list – choose one.

Process and Due Dates:

  1. Choose your Artists                                                                                       Due: 1/10/20
  2. Gather your resources – resource list due (end of day):                               Due: 1/14/20
  3. Create an outline for this major portion of your paper (85-90%)                   Due: 1/20/20
  4. Construct a Thesis statement that answers Part One of the Prompt            Due: 1/21/20
  5. Create a Thesis statement that answers Part Two of the Prompt                 Due: 1/24/20
  6. Complete Rough Draft for Peer Editing - Due via Google Docs                    Due: 1/30/20
  7. Peer Edits – completed over long weekend via Google Docs                       Due: 2/3/20
  8. Final paper or video that answers both sets of prompts                                Due: 2/7/20


Thesis #1                                                        10 points

Outline and Sources:                                      15 points

Thesis #2                                                         5 points

Rough Draft                                                    15 points

Peer Edit                                                         15 points

Final Draft                                                       100 points

Content of the Paper or Video:

10-15%            The Renaissance artist’s life, early training, influences and events that helped chart their course

65-70%            The artist’s contribution to the Renaissance and how we see that in 3-5 of their major works.  For multi-disciplined artists (like Michelangelo) I suggest limiting yourself to 2 media at most. For others like Leonardo, Durer or Bruegel focus on their art, but don’t ignore the other aspects of their work.

5-10%              How the artist’s influence is seen in later art – use at least 2 examples of art.

10-15%            Your choice of contemporary artist and how, like your Renaissance artist, they may be influencing the art world and our world through their art.


  • A minimum of four legitimate sources in ADDITION to your text
  • Use your text and at least TWO other printed sources including JSTOR articles for your research.
  • Two or more approved internet sites. (Wikipedia may only be used to link to or find approved sites)
  • A complete bibliography/works cited page must accompany the paper, and all material must be properly cited (MLA).
  • Undocumented papers will not be accepted – MLA style parenthetical citations are required.
  • Please use the library Noodletools or Purdue University “OWL” and our wonderful librarians to help you create correct citations and works cited page/bibliography.

Books on Reserve in the Library

The following books (along with many others -- covering all of the artists for this project) will be on Reserve at the library. You can find them in the Reading Room on Ms. McKim's office windowsill.

Recommended Internet sites

Khan Academy

Khan Academy's Renaissance art sections are arranged by region: Italy, Northern Europe, and Spain.


Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History

The Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, created by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, is browsable by time period or geographical region. For example, try selecting "1400-1600 AD" and "Europe" to focus on European art during the Renaissance.


Art History Resources

Created by art history professor and scholar Christopher Witcombe, Art History Resources provides a carefully curated collection of links to other websites with information on the Renaissance (divided into two sections: within Italy and the rest of Europe).

Library Databases