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To locate a book's ISBN, the easiest place to look is above the book's barcode. Typically located on the back of the book, be sure to find the barcode that came with the book, NOT the barcode for the Kimball Union Academy library:
If a book does not have a barcode, the ISBN can found on the title verso page: the page behind the title page and includes Copyright information about that book such as ISBN, publication date and place of publication, disclaimers, cover design details, and editor details.
While a book can be a physical object you can touch with your hands...
...Keep in mind that many books have been DIGITIZED, and exist online in a digital format. E-books and PDFs are common examples of digital book formats. Fortunately, NoodleTools will automatically assign the source type when you import a source from an online database.
If you are still unsure, ask your teacher or a librarian for clarification.